Number of Sessions
Number of Sessions average daily
Number of Sessions average weekly
Number of Sessions average monthly
Number of Sessions per user per month
Number of Sessions per user daily
"Data" table is the fact table. It has got date time and user id. The date time is the timestamp of each and every interaction.
If the idle time for a user’s continuous timestamp is greater than 10 minutes or 600 seconds then it counts as a new session.
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Session definition - In simple terms:
A session on a website or app is like a single visit or interaction period by a user.
Imagine walking into a store:
Entering the store = Starting a session
Browsing products, talking to staff, and making a purchase = Actions within the session
Leaving the store = Ending the session
On a Website or App:
A session starts when you open the website/app.
It continues while you're clicking, scrolling, or interacting with it.
It ends when you close the tab, log out, or stay inactive for a certain period (like 10 minutes).
In short, a session tracks everything you do during one visit.